Thursday, July 27, 2017

Sheep By Day, Wolf By Night

The following is a poem about a karmic relationship.

Some people have many relationships, and they learn all they know about love through being with many.

Others have one really intricate relationship in which they learn all they know about love.

The relationship I reflect upon is the second type of relationship. Sometimes we learn the most about what love is, by learning what it is not.

* * *

Sheep by day,
Wolf by night.
He saw my dark
He was my light

Like a moth, I seek his sight

And hope that love, is worth the fight

The chaos

The tears

The empty mirrors

Sheep by day
Wolf by night

Pluck my wings off, one by one
Did I give the sheep enough?

Did I give the sheep enough?

Taking my mind, taking my heart
Taking it all
Tearing apart

At the end of the day, I am but a moth
To you I will fade and soon become soft
Like the dust itself, it gathers like memories
Of the corner of a house that’s been crumbling for centuries
And you knew it, you knew it, you knew all along
That the heart that was true was to you just a song
In the mind of a twisted oxytocin high

Was I ever human, or am I just a lie?

You never answer me, so I’m left to rhyme
In hopes that the words will like hands intertwine

Grasping the orphan that lives in my mind

Screaming, crying, looking behind

Before you left her on her own

Before you hurt, no sticks and no stones

Before the light began to fade

No wind to ignite the ember that stayed

As everything burnt to a crisp I was shown

The sheep, once my friend

Now a wolf


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